Je rêvais de nuages colorés
titre original : Sognavo le nuvole colorate
réalisation : Mario BALSAMO
assistante de réalisation :Elisabetta Leuzzi
documentaire italien
moyen métrage couleur
durée : 65 minutes
producteur : Thomas Torelli
production : Tpf Telemacom et Torcida Film
co-production : Oistros et Xtend s.r.l
montage: Fabrice Carchiolo
musique : Francesco Libetta et Franco Battiato
son : Andrea Mazzotta (Albanie) et Stefano Sabatini (Italie)
montage son et mixage : Claudio Bresciani
post production video : Torcida Film
Post production audio : Claudio Bresciani
avec : Edison Duraj
Alessandro Santoro
Besjana Duraj
Quano Duraj
Béatrice Santoro
Gino Santoro
Zana Duraj
Kadri Duraj
"The relationships between the two protagonists is marked by meaningful contents and a deeply embedded theatrical sense.
Immigration is the central issue, which in “I dreamt of colourful clouds” shows interesting facets. If, at a first glance, this story seems to us nothing more than dramatic, Edison is instead behaving like in an adventure made of thoughtless optimism and fun, childlike madness and street cunning, initiative and energy, at the pursuit of colourful clouds.
Of course, we mustn’t forget that Edison’s quest for adventure stems from his will to escape from poverty and gloomy horizons, from his desire to demonstrate his worth and capabilities to himself and to others.
However, Edison’s drive turns the immigration issue into a modality of integration made of assertiveness and chameleonic adaptation to a new way of living.
His friendship with Alessandro enriches this picture further. It creates an opportunity for meeting and confrontation, along with a strong and real tie: sometimes harmonic, sometimes confrontational. A dialectic between two different cultures, with their shadows and lights talked out not in the abstract, but in the daily life. Up to further point of attraction: the decision to make an important journey, which all at once turns the ordinary experience into an extraordinary and even more revealing one.
Their friendship reminds of the global issue developed through the protagonists’ complementarity; the same tie which leads them to feel like brothers and which sometimes leads them to hate each other: yet always like two brothers. A friendship which strengthen one of the two protagonists and short-circuits the other, creating a spontaneous theatrical confrontations."
Mario Balsamo